How Much Generator Power Do You Need?



  1. Select the items you wish to power at the same time. Using the Power Calculator, fill in the values as applicable.
  2. Focus on the larger applications that draw the most power.
  3. A typical house will take about 5KW (5000 Watts).
  4. A typical barn will take about 5KW (5000 Watts) in lighting and small appliances
  5. For a typical house and barn combination you can skip LINE 1 to 6 and enter 10KW into LINE 7.


  • 1000 Watts = 1 Kilowatt (KW)
  • 1 Horsepower = 1 Kilowatt (Approx.)
  • Amps x Volts = Watts


1. Total Amps @ 120 Volts (Appliances)  Amps.
2. Total Amps @ 240 Volts (Appliances)  Amps.
3. Multiply LINE 1 X 120  Watts.
4. Multiply LINE 2 X 240  Watts.
5. Add LINE 3 and 4  Watts.
6. Divide LINE 5 by 1000 (1000 Watts = 1KW)  KW.
7. Total HP in motors
Note, each motor must be separately entered, do not combine or sum up multiple motors into one line

Line 7 Total  HP.
8. Horse power from Largest Motor  HP.
9. Add Line 7 total and Line 8 (1HP = 1KW)  KW.
10. Add Line 6 and 9 This is the total KW needed.  KW.