Whenever there are any missing parts prices then please contact Menno by email asking for that price.
If you don’t have Menno’s email then please navigate to our corporate contact page to find our sales email address and give them the part number and ask them to copy Menno in on the request for prices.

Fasteners such as key stock, snap rings, off the shelf O-rings, nuts, bolts and hydraulic fittings are easy as we prefer not to sell them but we will at a higher list price as a convenance if a dealer or end user doesn’t want to be bothered to source locally.

Note : on some fasteners we do have parts prices at a lower cost then what follows and if so then the lower price will prevail

Fasteners ½” or smaller - $10 per pc (yes, even for a 5 cent ¼ washer)

Fasteners 5/8 or larger - $20 per pc

Hydraulic fitting (any size) $25

Only freight is charged for decals if serial number is supplied

Please Note : hydraulic fittings can easily be bought in nearly every town in North America if you like shopping in person. If you like shopping online then there also are may very good places to buy online and we are happy to help verify you have the right fitting if you are unsure, so just send a link and ask the question.