MX548R Fixed Tooth Mulcher for Excavator, 8-20 Ton

As with the standard MX548, the MX548R is a brush mulcher for excavators, designed to maintain and clear fence lines and entry level contractor work. The difference is aggressive root rake ripper teeth build into the frame to rip out rocks and move logs and has a heavier duty body built with AR400 steel that is the same weight but much stronger than mild steel. All 500 series Baumalight brush mulchers are offered with two different type of cutting teeth. The Planer style teeth take small bites and provide the most efficient mulching and cutting. The Ripper style teeth have more of a shredding mulching action. Their v-shaped design makes them less susceptible to impacts with hard objects like stones, making them the better choice when mulching below grade and in fence lines. See our brush cutting size chart to see what brush size this excavator mounted forestry mulcher can handle.

Free Teeth Promo


All Baumalight products are sold through our network of equipment dealers. For you, this means better product support, after-sales service, maintenance and product warranty from your local, trusted dealership Click here to find a local dealer.

An exception is that we sell directly to Equipment Rental Stores of most sizes. Click here for more info.

Local Support
Top 55% Bottom 45%


Baumalight offers customers a series of helpful service & instructional videos and supports the right to repair. These videos show you how to perform your own trouble shooting and repairs which can save you a lot of down time because many things can be fixed on the spot by end users. Also, after the warranty period is over, a lot of money can be saved if you can do things yourself following simple instructions on trouble shooting, maintenance and repairs.


Service And Instructional Videos


These durable skid shoes help the Brush Fire to better float over the ground for optimal mulching action.

Integrated skid shoes


The force and impact of mulching bends the teeth. Our V-Notch teeth and hardened holders won’t let that happen. Held firmly in place to absorb impacts from multiple directions the V-Notch keeps the teeth chewing up the toughest brush.

V Notch

Hardened Teeth Holders

Designed to handle the punishment, these heavy-duty teeth holders resist bending and keep you on the path of destruction longer.

Hardened teeth holders


All MX548R Brush Mulchers come with a free set of 6 replacement teeth. These replacement teeth are conveniently shipped in a robust enclosed compartment on top of the frame.

6 free teeth

Optional 500 Series Ripper Teeth

The 500 Series teeth come in two carbide tipped styles; Planer and Ripper. The Planer style teeth take small bites and provide the most efficient mulching and cutting. The Ripper style teeth have more of a shredding mulching action. Their v-shaped design makes them less susceptible to impacts with hard objects like stones, making them the better choice when mulching below grade and in fence lines. Both styles are Bolt-on replaceable for quick and easy servicing and replacement even in the field.

All units shipped with Standard P5000 Series Planer Teeth only and ripper teeth can be installed as the planer teeth need replacing. Units can be operated with a mix of Planer and Ripper teeth.

500 Series ripper teeth

Spiral Tooth Pattern

For smoother mulching, the spiral tool pattern allows one tooth to engage at a time.

Spiral tooth pattern

Root rake teeth

The MX548R are equipped with a root rake for pushing fallen logs or other debris out of the way. These are replaceable bucket-style scrapper teeth.

Root rake teeth

Overtorque Protection - Relief Valve

The relief valve protects the motor and the hydraulic system from pressure spikes. When an obstacle is hit the relief valves open and relieves the pressure.

Overtorque protection relief valve


A heavy duty reinforced belt delivers the force from the gear box to the rotor. Not only does this belt refuse to back down in the face of dense brush, it also offers protection from the shocks inherent in mulching.

Reinforced belt

Wire Protection Kit

Protective steel cover that prevents damage from wire fencing.

Wire protection kit

Chain Curtain

The rear of the unit is guarded by a chain curtain so standing brush enters and mulched debris exits.

Chain curtain

Heavy duty frame

Heavy duty frame with T1 alloy tool steel sheet metal for all the main areas. Powder coated frame with multiple anti-slip pads to give you secure footing for ease of entry and exit from your cab.

Heavy duty frame

Powdered Coated

Our powder coat finish is much tougher than conventional paint to stand up to the rigors of mulching and helps prevent rusting.

Powdered coated


Our industry leading bent axis piston motors make the most use of your hydraulic flow and pressure for your brush clearing needs.

Bent axis piston motor


Couplers must be ordered separately as we do not supply hydraulic couplers with product due to the variety carrier specifications. Click the link below.

View our helpful coupler sizing chart

Hydraulic Flow & Pressure Database

For your convenience Baumalight has Developed a PSI Flow and Pressure database with over 1000 different carrier models to help you decide the best Baumalight model for your machine.

Click here for details.

Hydraulic flow pressure

overHung Load Adapter (bearing support)

The Brushfire uses an overhung load adapter which is designed with tapered roller bearings to stand up to the rigors of heavy mulching.

Overhung load adapter


All Baumalight products are sold through our network of equipment dealers. For you, this means better product support, after-sales service, maintenance and product warranty from your local, trusted dealership Click here to find a local dealer.

An exception is that we sell directly to Equipment Rental Stores of most sizes. Click here for more info.

Local Support
Top 55% Bottom 45%


Baumalight offers customers a series of helpful service & instructional videos and supports the right to repair. These videos show you how to perform your own trouble shooting and repairs which can save you a lot of down time because many things can be fixed on the spot by end users. Also, after the warranty period is over, a lot of money can be saved if you can do things yourself following simple instructions on trouble shooting, maintenance and repairs.


Service And Instructional Videos


These durable skid shoes help the Brush Fire to better float over the ground for optimal mulching action.

Integrated skid shoes


The force and impact of mulching bends the teeth. Our V-Notch teeth and hardened holders won’t let that happen. Held firmly in place to absorb impacts from multiple directions the V-Notch keeps the teeth chewing up the toughest brush.

V Notch

Hardened Teeth Holders

Designed to handle the punishment, these heavy-duty teeth holders resist bending and keep you on the path of destruction longer.

Hardened teeth holders


All MX548R Brush Mulchers come with a free set of 6 replacement teeth. These replacement teeth are conveniently shipped in a robust enclosed compartment on top of the frame.

6 free teeth

Optional 500 Series Ripper Teeth

The 500 Series teeth come in two carbide tipped styles; Planer and Ripper. The Planer style teeth take small bites and provide the most efficient mulching and cutting. The Ripper style teeth have more of a shredding mulching action. Their v-shaped design makes them less susceptible to impacts with hard objects like stones, making them the better choice when mulching below grade and in fence lines. Both styles are Bolt-on replaceable for quick and easy servicing and replacement even in the field.

All units shipped with Standard P5000 Series Planer Teeth only and ripper teeth can be installed as the planer teeth need replacing. Units can be operated with a mix of Planer and Ripper teeth.

500 Series ripper teeth

Spiral Tooth Pattern

For smoother mulching, the spiral tool pattern allows one tooth to engage at a time.

Spiral tooth pattern

Root rake teeth

The MX548R are equipped with a root rake for pushing fallen logs or other debris out of the way. These are replaceable bucket-style scrapper teeth.

Root rake teeth

Overtorque Protection - Relief Valve

The relief valve protects the motor and the hydraulic system from pressure spikes. When an obstacle is hit the relief valves open and relieves the pressure.

Overtorque protection relief valve


A heavy duty reinforced belt delivers the force from the gear box to the rotor. Not only does this belt refuse to back down in the face of dense brush, it also offers protection from the shocks inherent in mulching.

Reinforced belt

Wire Protection Kit

Protective steel cover that prevents damage from wire fencing.

Wire protection kit

Chain Curtain

The rear of the unit is guarded by a chain curtain so standing brush enters and mulched debris exits.

Chain curtain

Heavy duty frame

Heavy duty frame with T1 alloy tool steel sheet metal for all the main areas. Powder coated frame with multiple anti-slip pads to give you secure footing for ease of entry and exit from your cab.

Heavy duty frame

Powdered Coated

Our powder coat finish is much tougher than conventional paint to stand up to the rigors of mulching and helps prevent rusting.

Powdered coated


Our industry leading bent axis piston motors make the most use of your hydraulic flow and pressure for your brush clearing needs.

Bent axis piston motor


Couplers must be ordered separately as we do not supply hydraulic couplers with product due to the variety carrier specifications. Click the link below.

View our helpful coupler sizing chart

Hydraulic Flow & Pressure Database

For your convenience Baumalight has Developed a PSI Flow and Pressure database with over 1000 different carrier models to help you decide the best Baumalight model for your machine.

Click here for details.

Hydraulic flow pressure

overHung Load Adapter (bearing support)

The Brushfire uses an overhung load adapter which is designed with tapered roller bearings to stand up to the rigors of heavy mulching.

Overhung load adapter

There are currently no customer photos or video submitted for this Baumalight product.Please check out similar products to see if there are submitted media available for those . Visit our Factory Discount web page to learn how you could participate in our Media Discount Program with your Baumalight product.

Model No. MX230 MX330 MX530 MX530R MX548R MX948R MX960R MX1160R
Baumalight Connection Code A02 A02 A02 A02 A03 A03 A03 A03
Path Width 38" 38" 40" 40" 62" 70" 90" 90"
Rotor Width 30" 30" 30" 30" 48" 48" 60" 60"
Minimum Tracked Excavator Ton 2 3 4 4 7 12 18 18
Minimum Wheeled Excavator Ton 4 5 6 6 9 15 21 21
Max Tracked Excavator Ton 6 8 12 12 20 30 33 33
Max wheeled Excavator Ton 8 10 14 14 22 33 36 36
Cutting Depth Level Level 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade Level Level Level
Holder Style Swing Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Cutting Style Flail High Speed Teeth Carbide Tipped Bolt In Carbide Tipped Bolt In Carbide Tipped Bolt In Double Tipped Carbide Double Tipped Carbide Sharpenable Planer teeth
Tooth Part number F2000 H3000 P5000 P5000 P5000 R9000 R9000 P11000
Number of cutters 22 36 44 44 72 27 38 31
Rotor Shaft Size 1.5" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
Rotor Diameter (tool tips) 17.25" 15" 15" 15" 15" 18.5" 18.5" 18.5"
Rotor Weight (with tools) 125 lbs 175 lbs 300 lbs 300 lbs 408 lbs 617 lbs 860 lbs 872 lbs
No. of Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Case Drain Not important Not important See motor options See motor options Critical Critical Critical Critical
Unit Weight 500 lbs 750 lbs 1036 lbs 1166 lbs 2167 lbs 2838 lbs 2910 lbs 2925 lbs

Model No. MX230 MX330 MX530 MX530R MX548R MX948R MX960R MX1160R
Baumalight Connection Code A02 A02 A02 A02 A03 A03 A03 A03
Path Width 38" 38" 40" 40" 62" 70" 90" 90"
Rotor Width 30" 30" 30" 30" 48" 48" 60" 60"
Minimum Tracked Excavator Ton 2 3 4 4 7 12 18 18
Minimum Wheeled Excavator Ton 4 5 6 6 9 15 21 21
Max Tracked Excavator Ton 6 8 12 12 20 30 33 33
Max wheeled Excavator Ton 8 10 14 14 22 33 36 36
Cutting Depth Level Level 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade 1.5" Above to 1" Below Grade Level Level Level
Holder Style Swing Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
Cutting Style Flail High Speed Teeth Carbide Tipped Bolt In Carbide Tipped Bolt In Carbide Tipped Bolt In Double Tipped Carbide Double Tipped Carbide Sharpenable Planer teeth
Tooth Part number F2000 H3000 P5000 P5000 P5000 R9000 R9000 P11000
Number of cutters 22 36 44 44 72 27 38 31
Rotor Shaft Size 1.5" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" 2"
Rotor Diameter (tool tips) 17.25" 15" 15" 15" 15" 18.5" 18.5" 18.5"
Rotor Weight (with tools) 125 lbs 175 lbs 300 lbs 300 lbs 408 lbs 617 lbs 860 lbs 872 lbs
No. of Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Case Drain Not important Not important See motor options See motor options Critical Critical Critical Critical
Unit Weight 500 lbs 750 lbs 1036 lbs 1166 lbs 2167 lbs 2838 lbs 2910 lbs 2925 lbs

Hydraulic Flow & Pressure Hydraulic Flow & Pressure
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Test our pre-production and prototype models for deep discounts by giving us all the necessary feedback to make sure these models meet the requirements demanded in the field. No Warranty can be provided on labour but you'll receive deep discounts through our dealer network as well as a 1 year warranty on parts* only. Baumalight understands this is not for everyone, but our discount program offers many benefits and we look forward to providing full warranty versions in the future once all product testing has been completed.

*Warranty labour must be performed by end user with no further compensation other than the deep discount off the original purchase price.


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